PC Electronics Plus 3
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The Tesla Coil Designer
By: Walt Noon
The Tesla Coil Designer has been written specifically to allow
anyone with even the simplest knowledge of electronics to be able
to design their own Tesla coil (of any size and voltage) the very
first time. Even if you've have never had any experience with such
a coil at all!
The program has been written so that each component of Tesla
coil design can be individually calculated. This will allow any
experimenter maximum versatility in tapering his/her design to what
materials are available to them. This will also allow unusual
materials and designs to be tried before actually investing in
Also included in the program is the "The Tesla Coil Designer"
option which will guide you one step at a time through the
construction of a custom coil of your own design.
This program literally performs many dozens of complex Tesla
coil equations, with lightning speed, while asking just a few
simple on-screen questions.
Installation On A Hard Drive
The Tesla coil designer will run equally well from either a
floppy disk system, or a hard disk system. To instal the program
on a hard drive type the following:
Then insert the Tesla Coil designer into drive A and type:
Copy a:*.*
The program is now installed. To use the program at any time
in the future simply type:
Use with a Hercules card
If you do not have at least CGA graphics for your computer, you
can still use the program with a Hercules graphics card. Included
on the disk is a CGA emulation program for Hercules monitors.
Simply type: HERC/e before running 'The Tesla Coil Designer.'
Getting Around The Program
Just like everything else in The Tesla Coil Designer, entering
values is simple. The few useful tips I would recommend are:
When answering on-screen questions, you may at any time return
to the main menu (of that section) by typing a blank line instead
of an answer. (Just remember that in doing so the operation has
been "aborted" and will have to repeated.)
To make things easier when entering large numeric values, you
may include commas if you choose.
Tesla Coil Basics
(Many good books have been written on Tesla Coil design, a few
will be mentioned at the end of this document, and it is strongly
suggested that those unacquainted with Tesla coil design purchase
and read these for a better understanding of Tesla coils. The
following Tesla coil information is only meant to brief you with
regards to the workings of the program.)
The title screen of the program shows a basic schematic of a
Tesla coil. (An IMG file of this drawing is also included on the
There are only 5 components in basic Tesla coil design. The first
(at the left) is an INPUT or "LINE" TRANSFORMER.
The LINE TRANSFORMER is typically the type used to power neon
signs or oil furnace ignition systems. This transformer is used to
step-up line (wall) current from 110 VAC to between 3000 and 15000
volts. Large transformers such as distribution transformers (those
seen on power lines) have also been used and may achieve 17000
volts or more.
This high voltage is needed to supply enough energy to the
high-voltage CAPACITOR so that it can "kick" out pulses at a very
high speed and not be depleted.
The next component is the CAPACITOR. This device stores a
charge, much like a battery, except that it can be charged or
discharged almost instantly.
As a charge builds up in the CAPACITOR, it eventually becomes
large enough to arc across the SPARK GAP.
The SPARK GAP acts like a high-voltage switch. When the energy
in the CAPACITOR reaches a certain level, it arcs across the SPARK
GAP and supplies power to the Tesla coil's PRIMARY winding. As
this spark arcs across the gap, it partially depletes the CAPACITOR
and thereby quenches itself, restarting the cycle.
Note: This happens very quickly, typically 500000 times a
second or so.
The PRIMARY winding is just a few turns of heavy gauge wire.
(Rarely less than 3, or more than 10.)
Unlike a conventional transformer, a Tesla coil's output power
is not only related to the ratio of turns in the PRIMARY and
SECONDARY. In fact, the PRIMARY acts more like a radio
transmitter, and the SECONDARY a tuned radio receiver. When the
high frequency wave emanating from the PRIMARY strikes the
secondary, if they are properly in tune, the SECONDARY will begin
to oscillate powerfully.
This has been described to be like the effect of a child on a
swing. If the child is pushed at just the right moment, the swing
will gain in amplitude. If pushed at the wrong time, however, the
swinging will be deadened.
The SECONDARY is simply a long winding of wire (typically 500
turns or so) that, when stimulated by the primary, produces these
oscillations. In doing this, the SECONDARY coil will produce
amazingly powerful oscillations and voltages anywhere from 200,000
to the millions.
Note: Many books and articles rely on Tesla's 1/4 wave theory
to determine the length of the SECONDARY windings. Using the 1/4
wave theory can lead to errors as great as 50%! For those
accustomed to such "guesstamation", this program will give an
extreme increase in accuracy and design!
The voltages and frequencies produced from a Tesla coil offer
many mind-boggling and startling effects such as sending
electricity over great distances with virtually no loss and
lighting bulbs without wires. Also many rare oddities such as
stopping internal combustion vehicles and even passing currents
through human bodies without harm. (Be careful if attempting
There are many systems other than the spark gap design for
stimulating Tesla coils. You will find many features of this
program useful in those designs as well.
The "Tesla Coil Designer" is being distributed without copy
protection for your convenience. Please take a few minutes to
back-up your original disk and then put it in a safe place.
The original disk should be used as a "master" copy only. You
should run the program from your back-up disks.
Using The Program
Virtually everything about this program is self-explanatory.
With just a little practice, you will be able to use this program
as if it were second nature.
For the experienced Tesla coil builder, the program will offer
a very handy time-saving calculator, for the new or inexperienced
builder this program will offer great ease in producing his own
I've always believed the best way to learn was by doing, so
let's design a complete 200,000 volt Tesla coil right now.
First, boot up the program and go to the "Top Menu." The first
thing we will need to know is how much power to put into our coil
to get the proper output, so, select option 2 "Coil Length & Size
Since we want to determine our input voltage, select option 3
"Determine input transformer." The program asks "What is the
planned voltage of your coil?" type 200000 and hit enter.
The program reminds you of how watts are calculated, and tells
you that 400 watts will be needed. The program also estimates the
spark length. Hit any key to return to the menu.
Next we need to match a capacitor to our transformer, so from
the menu, select option 4 "Main menu."
From the Top menu select option 1 "Capacitor and leyden jar
From this menu select 5 "Match a capacitor to a coil."
The computer asks for our input transformer voltage.
Now, we know that our input transformer must produce 400 watts,
and the transformer menu reminded us that : volts * current =
watts, so we need to enter values here that will give us at least
400 watts. (In building your own coil, you will probably enter
here whatever you have available.)
From experience I know that a typical neon transformer voltage
is 12000 volts and about 35 milliamperes.
12000 * .035 = 420 watts
420 watts is plenty, so lets enter these values.
Enter 12000 for voltage, then enter 35 when asked for
Enter 60 for frequency.
The program tells us we need a .0077 uf capacitor. That was
easy. Now hit any key to return to the menu.
Note: From the capacitor menu you may also calculate how to
make your own high voltage capacitors!
Select option 6 "Main menu."
From the top menu select option 2.
We now know our input transformer and our capacitor size.
Let's calculate our primary coil next.
Select option 1 "Calculate primary coil's inductance and
The program reminds us that our primary coil's diameter should
be approximately 3 times that of our secondary coil. Again here,
this will usually be determined by what you have available.
Let us assume that our secondary will have a diameter of 3
inches (common among builders using PVC pipe) so our secondary will
be 3 times that, or 9 inches in diameter.
Enter 9.
The program asks for the shape of the primary, enter 1.
Now the program asks for spacing, enter .5.
The program asks for the number of turns, enter 5.
At this point the program calculates circuit inductance (very
useful feature) and asks if we would like to know the frequency.
Enter Y.
The program asks what capacitor we will be using. We have
determined this to be .0077, so enter .0077.
The program now tells us our frequency will be 652398.9 Hz!
Now we can calculate our final component, our secondary coil.
Hit enter.
From the menu enter option 2.
The program asks for the frequency of the primary coil, since
we just determined that was 652398.9 enter that number.
The program asks for the height of the secondary coil. Since
we know the height should be no more than 5 times that of the
primary, let's try 12 inches. Enter 12.
Next we're asked for a diameter of the secondary, remember this
should be about 1/3 of the primary, so enter 3.
The program gives us the exact number of windings for a
properly resonant secondary coil in this circuit to be 792.1 and
asks if we would like to know the gauge of wire needed.
Enter Y.
Finally, the program calculates the wire gauge needed to be 28
AWG wire.
CONGRATULATIONS! You have just designed a 200,000 volt Tesla
coil from the ground-up in a matter of minutes!
Our coil consists of:
Primary coil: 5 turns, 9 inches in diameter, .5 inches between
Secondary coil: 792.1 turns, 3 inches in diameter, 28 AWG wire.
Capacitor: .0077 uf
Input (line) transformer: 12000 volts, 35 ma.
Because of the enormous variances in spark gaps, this coil
should be used with an adjustable gap.
That's all there is to it. Of course, you will undoubtedly
choose to vary many or all components, and you do not need to stick
to any specific order (though "The Designer" option uses this
Use With Windows
The Tesla Coil Designer will run from Microsoft Windows
operating system. Included on the disk is a special icon for
Windows 3.1. This icon was designed by Bert Pool.
Note: The following installation instructions assume that:
(1) You have installed The Tesla Coil Designer on C: drive in
a directory called "TESLA."
(2) Microsoft Windows has been installed on C: drive in a
directory called "WINDOWS."
To copy this new icon to your Windows operating system:
Copy the TESLA.ico icon file from your original disk to your
C:\Windows directory.
a) Open your Applications window by clicking on its title bar.
b) Select any icon in the Application window by clicking on
the icon ONE time. The title under the icon should highlight.
c) Click on "File" at the top of the screen.
d) Select "Copy."
e) Select the "Applications" group with your mouse pointer.
f) Click on "OK."
g) You will now find two identical icons in the Applications
window. The new icon will already be selected. We are going to
change this selected icon into the Tesla icon.
h) Click on "File" again.
i) Select "Properties."
j) Change the description to "Designer"
the command line to "C:\TESLA\TESLA.exe" and
the working directory to "C:\TESLA" to complete step j.
k) Click on "Change Icon."
l) Change the File name to "C:\WINDOWS\TESLA.ICO
Click on "OK."
m) Click on "OK" again.
n) Your Application window should now have a TESLA icon which
resembles a Tesla coil discharging high voltage.
o) To run the Tesla Coil Designer computer program, double
click on the Tesla coil icon.
Important Tips
Good Tesla coil designs incorporate the following guidelines:
1. A secondary coil's height should be approximately equal to
that of the projected spark length.
2. It is a poor design habit to produce a long, thin secondary
of fine wire. ("The Designer" is programmed to estimate the
largest possible wire for a given form.)
3. "The Designer" is programmed to assume that your primary
coil will be made from either be a very heavy gauge wire or copper
tubing (such as used in refrigerators).
4. In a Tesla coil inductance determines output voltage, not
the ratio of turns in the primary and secondary coils.
I hope that you will enjoy the "Tesla Coil Designer" as much as
I enjoyed writing it. If there is enough interest in the program
from our community, I promise to write many future revisions
including VGA graphics and perhaps even an accompanying book along
with CAD oriented designs.
Thank you for purchasing "The Tesla Coil Designer."
Another 5 minutes into the future...
Walt Noon
Suggested reading:
"Tesla Coil" by George Trinkaus, 4326 S.E. Woodstock, #489,
Portland, OR 97206 - Practical, simplistic look at home-style tesla
coil construction.
"Tesla Coils! 100 Years of electrical magic" by Brent C.
Turner, 18321 Edgewood, Villa Park, CA 92667 - In depth look at
many designs. Includes mathematics. Somewhat expensive, but worth
it for the serious experimenter.
"Tesla Coil Secrets" by R.A. Ford Available from Lindsay
Publications, Inc., Bradley, IL 60915
Other sources:
Tesla Coil Builder's Association
RR6 - Box 181
Queensbury, New York, 12804
Information Unlimited
Box 716
Amherst, New Hampshire, 03031
Lindsay Publications
Box 12
Bradley, Illinois, 60915
Also check with Lindsay Publications for my new Book on
electrostatic generator construction. Available in mid '92!